So, apparently I'm working faster than the speed of light here.
Read: I have nothing to do.
I'm on my second to last day temptressing (!!! My friend Laura coined that term, and I totally owe her for it, since it's kind of genius AND I was looking for a different way of saying 'temp' since I am saying it allllll the time right now!) in this office, I'm still waiting to hear back about that real job, and I'm GOING INSANE. I finished all the busywork they gave me, and now I'm just sitting here, waiting for the phone to ring.
This is what I have accomplished today so far:
A) Caught up on reading my favorite blog (shoutout to The Frisky!)
B) Applied for a receptionist position with a soccer agency/club... and yes, I am at the point in my job hunt where I am taking risks and by that I mean I, and I quote, wrote "Who else is looking foward to this summer's World Cup??" in my cover letter
C) Looked at apartments on craigslist, you know, to prepare myself for my move in FIVE MONTHS
D) Played multiple games of solitaire online
E) Visited Facebook more times than I wish to share
F) Looked at upcoming auditions and determined that I can't audition for any and therefore wasted a dollar to look at that info on the website
G) Updated my resume
H) And now, I have completed a new blog post.
And this is what I have discovered about myself:
While I am extremely lazy and I like to lay around and watch TVDs(©) (Yes, I just copied the copywrite symbol in here to claim I own the word TVD, which I did in fact make up and will tell everyone when it becomes common knowledge... or else I will really own it when my book of this blog is published) or read or play Tetris on my phone, I also apparently need brain stimulation to get me through a day.
Don't worry though, I don't need much! Filing hundreds papers alphabetically, for instance, is enough brain stimulation to keep me occupied for a day and a half, happy as a lark. Which, getting back to why I work at the speed of light here, was thought to be enough to occupy me all week. But I am too anal rententive and organized and therefore I totally schooled them and got it done as fast as I could! So, HA!
Except the joke's on me. Because, while they love me and now probably want me to temp for them everytime they need someone, I hope to have a permanent job before they would need me again, so all my sucking up was (or hopefully will be) pointless.
Ok, I wasn't really sucking up, I was just doing my work. But that equals the same thing here?
Anyways, my point is, I have nothing to do, the phone hasn't rang once as I've typed this all out, and my Pandora isn't even making things that much better. I'm really just writing now in order to keep myself occupied. I have nothing else to say. I'm just THAT BORED.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I actually do like this place, though it takes me back to my days working in Madison at an office filled with old, overweight ladies who thought business casual = no jeans = totally acceptable to wear sweatpants. This place is more Chicago than that, but it's got a similar vibe. Still, it's not too bad and it's nice to have a job and to be getting a paycheck, no matter the size at this point. But, I would take a cabinet of papers to be alphabetized or a busy phone line or A PERSON TO TALK TO any day.
And on that note, I think I'm going to go check and see if there's a new blog post on or if someone posted something on Facebook and there's something new on my news feed! Joy.
Let's hope I'm back on here tomorrow with glorious news about my job situation...
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