One gal's experience trying to find work in the big city...

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Everybody's working for the weekend!" Or, you know, on the weekends.

I think I need to revamp my blog. And I don't mean my writing style, because, duh, it's perfect. I mean the layout and all that jazz. It's really dull and boring. I still love my huntress image, because who wouldn't love a woman with a bow and arrow??

Sidenote: I signed up for archery lessons. FOR REAL. Yes, I sorta feel like Legolas (but cooler and way less of a Captain Obvious by movie number three). And I'm really excited. And I may write about it, even though it's not really on topic.

Anyways, I think I need to make this more appealing and fun. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions? Clearly, I don't have a ton of time to put into this right now (more on my busy schedule in a moment), but I can attempt to put some more effort into this site, even if it's at work since I won't have internet at home until September (aka, when I move and have a "roommate" again). Yes, I am annoyed by that. No, I will not fork over cash for 3 months of over-priced and impossible-to-get-out-of internet access. Yes, I am also debating installing my new window air conditioner by myself to avoid paying $30 a month on top of my rent to use it. No, I will not actually cheat my property management out of $90 bucks for a summer of sweet sweet cold air when I already don't pay any utilities (but I'm still thinking about it as if I would).

Moving on from blabbing on about my cheap ways and boring blog layout (which, by the way, was inspired by a reallllly funny and not-at-all-related-to-me-in-any-sense-because-I-am-totally-anonymous-here site ), let me fill you in on why I'm about to be an even busier person!

So, I had my follow up interview and learned some things. 1) People have interviews in coffee shops not because they're not serious about interviewing but because sometimes they are not based out of an office and that's a better spot than the street corner or the grocery store or something. 2) Part time job doesn't always mean 20 or so hours a week. Sometimes it just means part of the time you are available. 3) I want to work with fun people again and this could potentially lead to that!

I also learned a ton of more crazy connections between the person interviewing me and myself (I won't go into detail, but let's just say friends in common, a connection via former employer's relative, and former residences in common are a few examples).

And then a few days later, after the interview went great and left me really excited, knowing I could keep my current bill-paying job and still take on another fun-and-resume-building job for a few hours a month or so, I was officially offered the position! Hurrah! So I guess this was a short-lived job huntressing session? Don't worry, I'll keep writing (and I really mean it this time), as we all know awkward encounters happen all the time in my life. Plus, this gig could provide quite a few more.

So, it seems like I not only will be working full time this summer, but now I will be working part time as well, and that's all on top of traveling, being a maid of honor at one wedding and attending 3 others, and looking for a new apartment. The poor bf is going to be even more excited to be living with me in the fall after barely seeing me all summer long!

And there you have it.

Also, to those of you who were inspired by my blog back in the day, because you could relate to the out-of-work, crazy-interviews, and struggle-to-make-a-life-for-yourself issues in my world, I promise you, this isn't what I ever imagined for myself, or really even wanted. I'm cool with the way things are shaping up right now, because I'm desperate for a change, and I'm really looking for a purpose, or a career, or whatever you want to call it. But I also don't love the fact that I'm working one job simply to pay my bills and then working another job just so that I can have a job I (might) like, and meanwhile, I'll have no time to do anything else, including theatre, for quite some time. I've also been wanting to volunteer with the Humane Society for a while now (though I really do need to wait until I am able to have a dog before I surround myself with ones that are waiting to be adopted and where I'll surely fall in love with them all) and also with the Center on Halsted, which is a great resource for the LGBT community. So I guess those will have to wait. Because money comes first in this world, and then happiness, and then the freedom to do what I really want to do. Right? That's how it works?? So, kind followers and friends, don't fret. I'm not a different person and I still can relate with all your hilarious and/or horror stories. And when I'm ready for another change a few months from now, I'll be writing about those again as usual.

But in the meantime, I'll keep filling you in on the awkwardness of trying to find my place in this working world...

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea how to make a blog more interesting looking. I am still in shock that I am now a blog reader. Side note: CONGRATS! You have another job! I will try not to be bitter as more and more people refuse to talk to me/email me back. :)
