One gal's experience trying to find work in the big city...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


My comment about lifting my shirt for the model guy (which, by the way, wasn't a full lift, just enough to find my belly button) reminded me that I promised Playboy a while back and I have yet to deliver.

Well here it is.

And it has nothing to do with boobies! Hahahaha.

In all honesty, this is the second time I have applied for a position in the corporate office of Playboy. However, I don't think they like me. And for good reason.

This one's a short one (aka, normal-people length).

I came across a listing for a position titled "Rights and Permissions Assistant", that's basically an administrative job. It sounded pretty good for me, so I started applying. Playboy has a kind of old-school set up for their online applications, where you have a 5-step process or so to go through to submit information. It was taking me a while to get through it and then I realized I need to upload a cover letter, I couldn't just paste it in a box on the application.

So I start up a Word document and get to editing my cover letter template so that it fits the job I'm applying for. I start out by saying how my previous positions have set me up to be perfect for this job, talk about the qualities I can bring to the Rights and Admissions Assistant position, talk about how great I am, yadda yadda yadda.

I save it, upload it on the site, and submit everything to Playboy. I get an email a few minutes later letting me know they recieved my application for the Rights and Permissions Assistant and they'll review it and be in touch.

Um, wait.

Rights and Permissions??

And I look over my cover letter again. Sure enough, I start out my first paragraph with Rights and Permissions and by the time my cover letter is finished, I have written Rights and ADMISSIONS three times, as well as saved the document under that name.

Well shit.

Guess this isn't going to be how I get a job with Playboy. If only there was another way...

I kid, I kid!

But maybe Chicago Top Models could have hooked me up, huh? Haha.

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