One gal's experience trying to find work in the big city...

Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm baaaaccckkkk!!!

Shalom peoples!

So, before you get all concerned and think, oh shit, she's lost her job... I haven't.

Nope, I'm not actually job huntressing. Sorry to disappoint. However, I'm back here because it turns out my job makes for some good blogging as much as my joblessness did!

You guys, I work for Big Brother.

Have you ever read 1984, by George Orwell? If you haven't, what the crap is wrong with you?? Go out, buy it, and read it. Best. Book. Ever. Seriously, it's fantastic. However, living in a world like that one is not ideal. That's why it's called a dystopia. Not a utopia.

And to a certain extent, that's where I'm living. During the daytime at least. But it does a much better job of disguising itself as normal.

Ok, just to let you all know, I've never worked for a corporation before. Ok, CB was a corporation, but I was in and out of there too quickly to really notice. So, maybe this is just normal? I don't really know. All I know is that it's strraanngge.

Here's a list of the Big Brother moments:

--"Security" cameras all over the place... that have a view of every single cubicle in the office.
--Extreme blockage of the internet. But weirdly, like you can visit a magazine site that's all about celebrities, and you can watch YouTube videos, but I can't go to Yes, the women's TV channel. And I only tried it because I wanted to watch a Project Runway episode. However, why is that blocked for "entertainment purposes' but YouTube is not??
--Politic pushing.
--Politic pushing by installing gigantic speakers to broadcast the head guy's speech throughout the office.

And that's just a small taste.

So here's the thing. I need my job. I don't mind my department, the people I work with, or what I do. But the whole corporate, extremist (in my opinion) attitude of the whole place is ridiculous sometimes. Basically, the point is, I want to share the details of the crazy, but I also want to keep my job. So my writing style's going to have to change a little. I'm going to give less details and be more cryptic at times. I'm also going to be writing less frequently than I used to (before the Big Break) because I can't do this at work and I am the cheapo who doesn't have internet at home except for when I can "borrow" it. Which is rare, because apparently no one wants to share their internet with strangers.

But, nonetheless, I'M BACK and it feels so good!!!

Also, I'm going to try to write about more things in general, not just job-related. Like someday I'll tell you all the story about my neighbor, Dr. Creepo. Awkward, hilarious shit happens to me all the time, and it's really not fair to keep it just to myself (HA. Because I never immediately call people or email them to tell them what just happened! Hahahaha).

So, on that note, this is hello and goodbye for now. I'm off to the ballet (for real).

Hope you're as happy to see me as I am to be back! Can't wait to share more about the corporate creepiness soon too!

Oh, and I totally found $5 on the sidewalk today! It's a good day, ya'll!