These lyrics BARELY fit the topic at hand, but hey, I like Les Mis and while I'm not really a thief or a dog at all...
I don't know what I've gotten myself into.
Hahahaha. What a weak title-topic connection. I'll get better, I promise. I'm rusty!
In my last post I mentioned I was waiting to hear back about some stuff before I filled you all in on it. Right? I did write that? I can't even remember a few days ago. This is ridiculous. Brain. Is. Fried. Well anyways, one of those two possibilities left me high and dry, which I'm a little more than irked about, but hey, that's life. I'm still kind of hoping they'll get back to me tonight or tomorrow, but since it was a part-time thing that I was kind of hesitant about to begin with, as it involved children, I'm not too concerned. But yes, I will be irritated with them for a while. Just as I was with the theatre-that-will-not-be-named that handled things very unprofessionally back in the day when I applied to an internship. (Hint: this recent one is a theatre too).
Did I not write about that other situation? Whoops. That was during my too-miserable-about-my-career-to-do-anything days. Anyways, let's just say when you have a phone interview with someone, and you mention on that phone interview that you'll be in touch within two weeks, even though the interviewee KNOWS it means she's not getting the gig (also, while we're at this, how about making it clear that the internship is focused on one specific topic, and not really the two listed, because the second one is clearly not really that important and no one likes looking like a fool in an interview by talking about how good they are at that unimportant side of it!), you should always actually follow up with the interviewee! Networking is super important, so who wants to be leaving people with a bad feeling towards a company? Even if they were horrible on the phone and definitely not a fit for the position. A generic email will do. Thank you. Sincerely, A Former Recruiter.
Annnyywhooo, back to why I have no idea what I have gotten myself into. So this other gig I applied for on a whim. Well, it's a pretty hip place and even though it was also part-time, and I'm really not sure how I feel about part-time right now, I decided to give it a whirl. Well, turns out this place is so hip and savvy and all, they do meet and greets prior to actual interviews. Which is actually pretty smart, given the type of job that it is. However, I am pathetic and the idea of having to meet and greet with strangers for an hour after a 10 hour work day sounds totally unappealing. Which probably isn't a good sign for my desire for the actual job, right? Again, what the heck am I doing here?
So I typed up an email that said thanks but no thanks, I have an obligation (and I do actually have to pick the bf up from the airport that evening, though it doesn't really conflict). And then I erased all of that email. Because you know what? What the crap! Why not? I mean, I really like the company itself, even if this job isn't the right one for me. And therefore a meet and greet is kind of perfect and less of a time-waster for everyone involved. Plus it's at a BAR! Why was I even against this at all!? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me!!? A BAR! Ugh. I need to shape up, and fast. This half-assed job hunting thing is kind of a Debbie. Wah wah wah.
Luckily, I snapped out of my lazy, want-to-go-home-and-watch-TV-every-night-immediately-after-work-while-probably-eating-pasta-with-butter-and-cheese-in-sweatpants attitude, and I'm going to go to the meet and greet. And I'm sure it'll be amusing if nothing else. And I know you all are probably pretty happy I changed my mind and decided to go. Because if nothing else, I've guaranteed myself one more post for the future! It's one day at a time here, kids.
In the meantime, I'm totally going home to put on my sweatpants and watch TV. And yes, I will be eating pasta tonight. But that's mainly because I'm (seriously) waiting til Friday to buy groceries. Aka, the day Trader Joe's opens within walking distance from my place. But until then, it's pasta, sandwiches, and the few pathetic oreos I have left (which will be eaten with peanut butter because I don't even have milk to dunk it in).
See why I need a purpose!!??
Oh yeah, I still have to tell you about that whole concept....
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