One gal's experience trying to find work in the big city...

Monday, August 8, 2011

"But I Believe I'm a Walking Contradiction"

Poop (pardon my French).

I applied for a full time position with my currently part time second job, and haven't heard back at all. At. All. Which, as you should recall, is a pet peeve of mine (see the middle of this post for reference: ).

Which causes a dilemma. Because, you see, here I am, working a part time job I really truly enjoy, so much so that I want to get hired on full time so that I can make this shindig my career! And now this job has put me in a very awkward position. Because I didn't hear back at all. And that annoys me, to put it lightly. (Which, in their defense, I got an immediate and generic response to my application saying they'd contact me if I "was a good match." Which, um, I work there. So I certainly hope I am. So it's really not much of a defense. Sorry. I'm a picky former recruiter SOB.)

I'm annoyed not only because they didn't even say, sorry, we've gone with other more qualified candidates (which, having found out some of my peers also applied, is a VERY valid statement). While I feel like I was actually a "good match", based on the listed qualifications, I really might not have been based on the other applicants. BUT THEN TELL ME I'M NOT. Rejection? Is way easier to handle when it's in your face and momentary, rather than slowly and silently slinking away. (Yes, people who reject other people, that sentiment goes for you too. Dating advice. You're welcome.) K thanks.

But I'm also annoyed because they left me with no way of getting in touch with the recruiter to follow up. So, they probably hate me now because they were sort of interested, and then saw other great candidates and pushed me aside, thinking "if she follows up, we'll know she's really serious and probably interview her then," and then I didn't follow up! Because I COULDN'T. Which is a genius move, Recruiter. Which makes the score JOB HUNTRESS: 1, RECRUITER: 2. Yes, I gave myself a point for being so fabulous about responding to all the losers when I was recruiting. And Mystery Recruiter obviously got their other point for beating me by just not picking me. Though I totally resent that point.

Back to the point (hehe... new meaning, same word!) though. I actually respect Mystery Recruiter for staying a mystery, as much as it frustrates the hell out of me. This is because I made the mistake of being too much of a people pleaser and left myself open to receiving emails with "questions or concerns" when people were applying for the job I was recruiting for. Let me just tell you this. When you have very few limitations on the types of people and the levels of experience needed to apply for the job, you get some INTERESTING people applying. And then, when those interesting people are overexcited or upset or confused or think sending 18 emails will help their case, you end up with A SHIT TON OF ANNOYING, POINTLESS EMAILS. So, for the people like me, who would handle themselves well and send one follow up email in response to an application, it sucks. But for everyone else who applies and shouldn't be, it's truly genius.

And honestly, if I didn't already work with the company and contact my one contact person there about the position, I'd put a lot more effort into trying to find the right person to email. But, a) I don't want to burn bridges when I'm barely in the door already and b) I'm fairly certain the company will continue to grow as I continue to grow there, and I'm unusually optimistic about future opportunities. I know, I've probably got chronic wasting disease from touching a wild deer this weekend (SERIOUSLY) and it has already gone to my brain, causing unusual hopefulness and patience.

And now, to contradict everything I just said!!

I'm not sure I want to change my part time job into a full time job there.


Proof of my deer disease taking over? Perhaps.

But seriously. I love this job so far. And part of me wonders if it's because I have freedom with my choices there right now. I can pick when I want to work, how often I want to work, and what types of activities I want to work (for the most part). Which. Is. Awesome. So, if we take that away, will I start to feel run down, overworked, exhausted, and frustrated? Who really knows. Yes, it's a risk I'm willing to take. HOWEVER, it's also a chance I'd be willing to pass up. Provided there's another something new and awesome that comes around and makes me think wonderful thoughts about a job that's fun and exciting and challenging and enjoyable enough to not need Hulu and internet access and short work days to survive. If that new possibility also allows me to still have my part time job, even better! If not, it better be effing worth it.

And yes, maybe I'm writing this because someday I want to use this blog in my portfolio as a writing sample and I need the job opportunity reading this to know I won't leave them for something full time that opens up at the other gig, if I'm still trucking along there. And also to let them know that I don't only just bash companies for having weird application/interviewing/recruting/hiring processes. (But I totally will if they do.)

But I'm writing it because it's the truth. (And that's serious, any job opportunity people reading this!)

Job huntressing isn't always about the shitty interviews or crappy boring day jobs. It's about how I am huntressing for a job that just makes me HAPPY , damn it! And yes, that really is the moral of this story.

Now if only I could find myself something that has a great health plan (with the new free...umm...very-specific-type-of-prescription mandate please!!), matching 401K option, and sweet PTO... that also allows me to enjoy fall football weekends without too much interruption. Yes, I just got ridiculously excited for football to start and plan on spending every Saturday and Sunday watching my teams kick ass. And yes, I'm also currently reading the first book in the "Song of Ice and Fire" series and getting excited to see a live orchestral concert of the soundtrack of the first Lord of the Rings movie. I don't fit stereotypes. So sue me. (Ok, but actually, a lot of the time, I do).


  1. I know exactly how you feel!!! I hate it when I apply for a job and don't hear anything back. At least have enough respect for your current employees to tell them something. Hope it works out for you Huntress!!

  2. Oh my god me too! I get so frustrated when I don't hear from somewhere I have applied to, I mean is there no decency out there any more??? Huntress, you're a beacon of hope out there for all of us drowning in this hard life with crappy jobs and our dreams out of reach! Thank you for your stories and good luck!
